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Haplochromini - Malawi
 'Astatotilapia' calliptera
 (Günther, 1894)
Synonyms:  Ctenochromis callipterus (Günther, 1894), Haplochromis centropristoides Nichols & LaMonte, 1931, Neochromis simotes ssp. nyassae Borodin, 1936, Haplochromis callipterus (Günther, 1894)

Total length
Standard length
Trophic group
Conservation Status (IUCN)
20.0 cm
(7.9 in.)
15.0 cm
(5.9 in.)

'Astatotilapia' calliptera   (Günther, 1894) male
'Astatotilapia' calliptera (Günther, 1894) male
© Haplochromis / D. Machado, 2005

Distribution: Lakes Malawi, Chiuta and Chilwa, lower Zambezi, Buzi, Pungwe and Save rivers systems.

Population Chizumulu Same Bay Category

'Astatotilapia' calliptera   (Günther, 1894) young male
'Astatotilapia' calliptera (Günther, 1894) young male
© Haplochromis / S. Piry & R. Velay, 2007

Distribution: Lake Malawi, Chizumulu Island: Same Bay.