oui je vais poster les infos que j'ai eu
parce que c'est toi
1. Haplochro'mis albertianus, sp. n.
! . -
Depth of body 3 to 3} in the length, length of head 21
3. ·snout decurved, about as long as diameter of eye,
\f.hich is 3 to 3~ in the length of. head, much greater than
pn-eorbital depth, greater than depth of cheek; interorbital
width 5 to 6 iu length of head. Jaws equal anteriorly ;
. maxillary extending to below anterior t or l of eye; teeth
':cuspidate in young, conical in adults, in 2 or 3 ~eri es, 32 to
46 in outer series of upper j aw. 3 or 4 series of scales on
"cheek . 6 to 8 gill-rakers on lower part of anterior arch.
Lower phat·yugeal massive, with large blunt teeth. 30 to 31
s cales in a longitudinal series, 5 or 6 from origin of dorsal
lateral line, 8 or 9 between pectoral and pelvic fins.
rsal XIV-XVI 8-10; last spinet to more than ~length
head. Anal Ill 7-9; third spine stronger and shorter
last dorsal. Pectoral a little shorter than head,
·~g anal. Caudal rounded or suhtruncate. Caudal
uncle 1 t to 1 ~ a~ long as deep. Silvery or greyish ;
opercular spot and a bar below the eye ; spinous dorsal
· s with dark P.dge and pale intramarginal band ;
dorsal and caudal sometimes barred with series of spots ;
es with blackish pelvic fins and 2 or 3 or.elli 011 anal.
Lake Albert. _,
'About 30 specimens, 60 to lOO mm. in total length.
2. HaplochnJmis avium, sp. n.
pth of body 3 in the length; length of heao 2j. Snout
ed, somel·,l.tat longer than diameter of eye, which is
in length of head, greater than prreorbital depth, nearly
ual to uepth of ch•!ek; interorbital width 5 in length of
Lower jaw slightly projecting; max illary extending
to below anteriot· ! of eye. Teeth cuspidate, some conical,
in 2 or 3 series; about 35 in outer series of upper jaw, the
anterior rather strung. 3 series of scales on cheek. 7 gilltakers
on lower part of anterior arch. Pha1·yngcal teeth
small. 29 scales in a longitudinal series, 6 from origin of
, .. dorsal to lateral line, 6 or 7 between pectoral and pelvir. fins.
Dorsal XV 1 9 ; la~t sp ine } length of l:ead. Anal III S;
;.,.;third spine as long as last dorsal. Pectoral ! length of head,
not reachiug anal. Caudal rounded. Caud al peduncle a
little lonu-er rhan dee p. Greyish; a dark har hc low ~:ye;
two ocelif'on pustnivr part of anal j pelvics blackislt.
Lake Alucrt.
Described fro111 a single specimeu ( d') 52 mru. in tutu!